Oilfield Locations & Roads

Construction of well sites, locations, roads, reserve pits, SWD pads, and tank battery pads. Stabilization of roads and facility site using soil, cement, and polymers.

Reserve & Frac Pits

Construction of frac ponds, frac pond design, freshwater ponds, produced water ponds, pond lining and leak detection, and discharge lines.

Drilling & Blasting

ATF-licensed explosive handler, contact for a permit number.
Rock drilling down to a 60-foot depth and blast.

Aggregate Material Sales

Sale and delivery of aggregate materials. Custom and remote crushing using mobile crushers and screening plants.

Refinery Site Preparation

Refinery pad site development for new and existing units. Over excavation, backfill compacted lifts, and final grading within allotted tolerance.

Building Pads

Substation, commercial, and residential site development. Site preparation as specified in construction drawings. Placement of specified materials to optimum moisture and compaction.
Drainage using rip rap and various culvert systems.

Building Demolition

Demolition and disposal of materials related to demolition and/or site reclamation.

Expanding services to provide roustabouts, fence building, flex pipe installation, welding, and fabrication.
All field employees have current H2S block training certifications, Safeland, and MSHA training.